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December 02, 2010


Christian Jones

I lost touch with them around 'Benny Hill's Wardrobe' but this is wonderful,perhaps even the best thing they've done. Thanks for posting.

Kim Ashford

You lost touch at the wrong time, their masterpiece 'Suburban Crimes of Every Happiness' came out after 'Benny Hill's Wardrobe' and featured two thirds of the Kitchens of Distinction too. It is not to be missed at any cost !

Christian Jones

Thanks - will have a listen. 'My life..' has taken me back on a Last Party kick and have been busy buying up lots of things I still have on vinyl somewhere such as 'Die in a spy ring'. Do you recall playing the Bristol Tropic club twice in about a month in perhaps 1988/89? The first concert in particluar was brilliant.

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