Just in case you were suspecting that this blog was turning into some specialist journal about Glasgow nostalgia, I thought I would share a bit of contemporary Glasgow with you in the form of Member Of The Wedding. Now you hipsters are no doubt way ahead of me on this one, but what the heck. The group were kind enough to send me a copy of their ‘Chapter & Verse’ EP some weeks ago, and it’s been a lovely companion over that time, cheering and soothing my fevered and furrowed brow. It’s on the Cosy Recordings label out of Stockholm, which provides a neat Swedish connection, and whilst I balk at much of the material on that label, Member Of The Wedding seem to me to be a cut above and way ahead.
So what am I hearing in their catchy confection? Well, I’m getting a splendid combination of Jens Lekman, Jonathan Richman and the Modern Lovers, Pants Yell! and early Go-Betweens, as well as a hint of fellow Glaswegians Paul Quinn & The Independent Group. That last one should get some pulses racing in particular, and I can’t help but dream that one day Member Of The Wedding might curl their tendrils around something as deliciously epic and baroque as, say, ‘Will I Ever Be Inside Of You’. For the moment though, Member of The Wedding are scratchy, slinky and seductive as hell.