A few days ago I said that the best thing in the last issue of Plan B was the piece on Tara Jane O’Neil. This was only partly true, for the article on Look Blue Go Purple was equally fine. As was ET’s review of Life Without Buildings’ Live At The Annandale set. I have to admit that I have yet to pick this up, though it is high on my priorities. I have been listening to their Any Other City album again the past couple of days though, and have been smitten all over again by its genius. ‘Sorrow’ in particular has been hitting hard, as indeed it always did. So I am excited about hearing the live album. I wonder how it will compare to the recording I made on May Day 2001 of their Cavern set. I remember an email from Sue Tompkins where she was bemoaning the dreadful sound at that gig (ah, the joys of the infamous Cavern PA) but fuck, it sounded like the most heavenly bop art to me. And still does.