I asked for decaff but I think they gave me caffeine. Or maybe it’s just the buzz from being out in the world, the lift from seeing something so near perfect it leaves you all aglow and smiling inside. And jealous as hell too, but that’s another thing for later maybe. I mean, just got back from the movies where we saw ‘Lost In Translation’, and, uh, well, what can I say? I’m permanently suspicious of reviews I read in the mainstream press these days, so I was nervous due to the fact that The Guardian kept heaping praise on it, but I shouldn’t have been so worried, and should have had more trust in Mark Morris and indeed in William’s nod of approval, and in fact strike that because I DID / DO believe (in) those people, so whatever…
Liz wasn’t sure about it though. She was unconvinced about the pace, about how Coppola has this one pace and when she lifts it, it still doesn’t lift enough. I dunno about that. I think the pace is perfect, and it’s the lack of a raised pace that makes it so refreshing. The narrative unfolds in a perfectly sculpted manner, details let out at just the right moments, so we’re held in thrall throughout. The relationship between Murray and Johannson’s characters is beautifully portrayed, and it’s a difficult relationship to play too. One wrong step and it looks pervy or inconceivable, but it’s to everyone’s credit that this never happens. And of course the almost complete lack of physical contact is spectacular, so that a simple hand on a foot can be so loaded with emotion it hurts.
Plus the music… yeah, I know it’s probably just my age or something, but I swear hearing ‘Just Like Honey’ in that context was like one of my most peculiar experiences of recent years, mainly because of the juxtaposition of memory and the present tense. So I was sort of lost in this sea of the movie and of images of me wandering across a golf course in the darkness of a Scottish winter, headphones burrowed in ears and that song distorting to fuck, and… Yeah, it was strange. Good strange, but strange nonetheless. Oh and of course Murray doing ‘Peace Love and Understanding’ is genius and now I have that song lodged firmly in my brain, just as I did after seeing ‘200 Cigarettes’, but that’s no great burden because it’s a great song and is it Costello’s finest moment? Maybe. I’m not the world’s biggest Costello fan, so I’m saying no more.
We had talk after the movie about blogging and how a lot of people seem to be obsessing over the notion of memory this year (well, Liz was, and I just felt a bit ignorant because I read so little of what other people are up to. I’m so insular and self-obsessed). We also touched on the way first novels are filled with a writers ideas from the past twenty years or whatever, and this is why second novels are so difficult. I wouldn’t know about that really. I’m still waiting to get all my ideas out for the first time. Ha ha. But of course that’s a lie because those ideas trickle out in a variety of ways; through writing about music, via visual art projects, by blogging maybe too.
C and I were talking earlier about how she still doesn’t trust her blogging entries as valuable writing (or at least, as valuable as her ‘finished’ reviews etc) because they are not carefully crafted works. I mentioned how this morning Robin was saying almost the opposite; how involvement in online forums had diluted the urge to write ‘articles’; that the rapid exchange of ideas and formulation of insight provided by that, and by blogging, was more appealing that sitting down to write a ‘finished’ piece. It’s an interesting area. Certainly I find it harder to sit down and write a ‘review’ now than to simply write as if for my blog, or journal. There is a certain freedom there, which is largely illusory of course because the ‘articles’ are effectively going on the same larger entity as the blog (the Tangents site, in case you ARE reading this in isolation), but still… It’s strange.
And maybe it’s the freedom of time that appeals. The freedom to say, okay, now it’s getting towards time to have some dinner and maybe I’ll just leave this here and return later… Or not. Maybe pick up the thread another day, another week, another year. It doesn’t matter. Or it matters less.
Listening to the new Stereolab album, which sounds terrific (and I had kind of given up on Stereolab, so hurrah! for that)
Oh, and jealousy, envy, whatever… as in, ‘why am I not that talented?’ ‘why can I not make great movies too?’