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January 01, 2004



Happy New Year, Alistair.

I look forward to another year of enjoying your excellent site.

One thing that's been nagging me for ages, and I feel I must, at last, ask you: are you American?


P.S. I also saw 'Clockwork Orange' for the first time this year. Yes, it is utter rubbish. I can accept, however, that at the time it came out it was quite shocking/innovative or whatever it's lauded for being. 'High Fidelity' is also rubbish.


Re: Clockwork Orange. Hey, you think the movie's bad? You can't have seen the stage musical, with Phil Daniels and Rod from EastEnders. Music by The Edge, I seem to remember... Jesus...

The book's pretty good, though, I seem to remember.

Happy New Year from BKK. Are you Belgian?


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