My inbox is empty. We just watched ‘Rebel Without A Cause’. And now I’m kinda bored… I have a Batman book downstairs half read (Black and White – it’s really a great collection of stories) and ‘Goodbye Chunky Rice’ is on the coffee table just about finished, and I guess I should go pick it up again and complete it, but it’s just gonna make me cry, and I don’t know if that’s such a great idea. It’s a stunning book though, and as I was reading it I was all like ‘wow! There’s so many great things about this I could use for my comics project with the kids in class’, forgetting as I did so that ‘the kids’ will probably just not get it, will hate it because it’s… well, because teacher is telling them how great it is, probably. Sheesh. But really, Craig Thompson is God, and Chunky Rice is, like ‘Blankets’ the proof you need if you doubt me. I heard that Time magazine’s website voted ‘Blankets’ as the graphic novel of the year, and that’s as it should be, although really it should be more than that because I’d maybe have to say it was my favourite book of the year, full stop. If you didn’t read it already, go get a copy. Third printing is coming out in January, so no excuses about lack of stock anywhere…
So, uh, yeah, I will finish Chunky Rice before the night is out. I also have a copy of ‘Geek Love’ on the shelf to read, and I should start that soon. I’ve been after a copy of that for years, ever since Ann in Glasgow recommended it, way back in, uh, I forget the year, but I think I was still living in Troon at the time. It was the time of fanzines and paper letters… a lifetime ago. Sethe says I should write her snail mail, but I’m not sure if I know how anymore. Certainly not handwritten mail… sheesh. How analogue. Having said that, I think I need to handwrite my ‘memory’ stories for my ‘secrets and memories’ project, give it a personal edge, you know? I made the postcards for it today, and printed out a bunch and stuck stamps on… also printed out a bunch of photos for them. I’m quite excited about it all really. More details as and when.
I wish I could get my scanner to work with my new computer. It’s really annoying. It works with my Powerbook but not this G5. Grrrr. And the HP help desk is anything but. Their advice is to subscribe to the drivers update list… Gee, thanks, I really couldn’t have thought of that myself, and it really helps me out right now, you know? Sheesh. Maybe Sethe’s analogue suggestions are good after all.
Current listening is Chris Lucey’s (aka Bobby Jameson) ‘Songs of protest and anti-protest’ and it’s excellent… I’d forgotten how good in fact. Note to self: check out the new Rev-Ola releases.